Study Abroad Programs & International Trips
We continue to monitor emerging health and safety issues worldwide and work closely with our international partners and campus experts to facilitate our programs and ensure the availability of health and safety resources for students preparing to or currently traveling abroad.
Programs in countries with U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory levels of 1 and 2 are approved to run. Programs in countries listed with level 3 Travel Advisories will be reviewed for health and safety considerations and must receive pre-approval, which is sought by the International Center. Programs in countries with level 4 Travel Advisories are not approved to run. Participation in all programs is contingent upon students meeting pre-departure requirements.
Some programs may be suspended or postponed due to country-specific regulations, risk factors, and/or low enrollment. Check specific programs on Cal Poly Abroad for further information.
Students must continue to be in compliance with Cal Poly policy regarding vaccinations, including vaccinations against COVID-19. Each student must understand the vaccination and booster policies for the country to which they are traveling, including policies issued by the regional government, program, institution or other entity. These may require students to be vaccinated/boosted. Please consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for recommendations.
Trip cancellation insurance (including CFAR—cancel for any reason insurance) and refundable tickets are recommended.
Travelers for all programs should monitor global health and safety situations using the U.S. Department of State and other resources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.
Students should also review information available through Campus Health & Wellbeing including the travel clinic:
Virtual Internship & International Study Opportunities
Students continue to have the option of exploring alternate and inclusive opportunities for study and interning abroad, including Virtual Study Abroad programs and Virtual International Internships.
The International Center offers consultations and resources for faculty interested in integrating Virtual Exchange into their classes. Visit Virtual Exchange Resources for more information.
Faculty/Staff Traveling with Students
Faculty/staff international travel that includes students will continue to be vetted by the International Center. Visit the International Travel section of our website for further information.
Faculty/Staff Traveling without Students
All faculty/staff travel without students is administered through Concur/PolyTravel (the Strategic Business Services department).
Employees who work solely with Cal Poly Partners should read the travel policy information found on the Cal Poly Partners HR webpages.
Office Hours
Ongoing virtual support: Monday – Friday (9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. PT):
International Students and Scholars should contact:
Study Abroad inquiries should be sent to or to specific study abroad advisors/coordinators. During the academic year, students can also stop by our Peer Advising Drop-In Hours, which are listed on the Study Abroad Advising section of our website.