Major: Psychology
Minor: Statistics
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Amsterdam, Netherlands – Social Sciences & Humanities – Spring 2023
Email: evelline@calpoly.edu
Hi, I'm Evan and I'm a 4th year Psychology major with a minor in Statistics. I studied abroad in Amsterdam in spring 2023 and absolutely fell in love with the city. I loved exploring the city on my bike and really felt like I fit in when I rode on two wheels. It was hands down one of the best times in my college experience so far, and I think everyone should seriously consider going abroad!
Sydney D.
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Mathematics
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Engineering & Social Sciences - Fall 2022
Email: sdresser@calpoly.edu
I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain last fall as an engineering major taking classes at UC3M in Getafe and Leganes. While abroad, I went to 8 different countries and visited all of my family internationally. Studying abroad was the best 4 months of my life and I cannot wait to help you along your own journey.
Major: Business Admin - Information Systems
Minor: Spanish
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Seville, Spain - International Business - Fall 2023
Email: petersei@calpoly.edu
I am a third year and I studied abroad in Seville. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life! I went random with my roommates and loved all of them so much, and I traveled almost every weekend. I loved my host mom and practiced my Spanish every day.
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Engineering & Social Sciences - Fall 2023
Email: lbauck@calpoly.edu
I'm a third year at Cal Poly and recently I studied at UC3M at the Getafe and Leganes campuses and had an amazing time! My favorite class I took was Spanish language and I would definitely recommend doing the same even if you've never learned Spanish before, it was useful in so many more situations than I expected. I loved Madrid and exploring Spain as well as other countries in Europe, my picture is from my trip to Dublin, Ireland which was one of my favorite places I visited. While traveling was amazing, my favorite part of my time abroad was meeting so many new people and making so many new friends.
Major: Computer Science, Game Development
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Buenos Aires, Argentina - Intensive Spanish Language - Summer 2023
Email: alringle@calpoly.edu
Hello! My name is Alexi and I am a computer science major at Cal Poly. My time in Buenos Aires, Argentina with CEA CAPA was absolutely incredible! My host mom (and her two cats) made me feel so at home, my teachers were clearly invested in my academic success, and the on-site staff were amazing at giving you access to all the resources you needed! I loved the opportunity my program gave me to really hone in on learning Spanish and connect with Argentine culture.
Major: Industrial Engineering
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Paris, France – Engineering - Fall 2023
Email: rtanak01@calpoly.edu
Hey! My name is Rin and I studied abroad in Paris, France. I really enjoyed exploring the city and immersing myself in the culture. I met some amazing friends and learned so much from studying abroad. I would love to help anyone find their perfect program and share some experiences I had!
Majors: Environmental Management and Protection & Indigenous Studies in Natural Resources and the Environment
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA San Jose, Costa Rica - Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Environmental Sciences - Fall 2023
Email: ctunnell@calpoly.edu
My name is Carver, and I am a third year ENVM major. I just returned from San Jose, Costa Rica, where I took environmental and Spanish classes during the week and explored the country on the weekends. I loved being able to see a new country for three months because it allowed me to feel familiar and in touch with a different part of the world and way of life!
Major/Minor: Biomedical Engineering, French (Minor)
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Paris, France - Engineering - Fall 2023
Email: gottscha@calpoly.edu
Hi! My name is Josh Gottschalk, I am a third year Biomedical Engineering student with a minor in French. I had the pleasure of studying in Paris, France where I was able to not only develop my biomedical engineering career in an international setting, but experience the endless wonders of the French language and culture! I could not have asked for a better cohesion of life, school and exploration in one of the world's most grand cities!