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Connect with a Returnee

We know how important it is to hear stories of students who have been in your shoes and made study abroad happen as you decide which program is right for you! To help you gain as much insight as possible, we have collected a list of study abroad returnee "ambassadors" who are eager to share their life-changing experience with you!

Please note these returnees are volunteering their time to talk about their own perspective studying abroad and are not employed with our office. For any official questions about the study abroad process with Cal Poly, eligibility requirements, and/or program selection, please reach out to our STUDY ABROAD PEER ADVISING TEAM! 


Recently studied abroad and want to become a returnee contact and an ambassador for your study abroad program? Complete our online "Returnee Contact" Sign-Up Form!





Major: Wine and Viticulture
Study Abroad Program: Cal Poly in Australia - Winter 2023

Hi! My name is Liesl and I studied abroad in Adelaide, Australia winter of my sophomore year. I absolutely loved the program and the ability to meet so many great people in the program, as well as explore the wine industry of South Australia. Myself and some others in the program took the opportunity to travel on our weekends to places like the great barrier reef, Tasmania, and take road trips to famous beaches around Australia. Since the program was an accelerated program we spent a month traveling after to places like Bali and New Zealand. 



Majors: History and Child Development
Study Abroad Program: Cal Poly in London - Summer 2023

Hi, my name is Hannah Chaney and I studied abroad this past summer (June-August 2023) in London. Being able to study on an international basis was nothing short of a dream. Immersing myself into the diverse culture that London fosters within its demography, is an experience that I have a hard time fathoming into words. The program helped me overcome the slight fear of stepping out of my comfort zone, and I have found that I have since developed a welcoming attitude to situations in which I might need to, again, step outside of my comfort zone. Trying to put the impact of my experience studying abroad into 4-5 sentences is extremely difficult, but if given the chance to I would study abroad again in a heartbeat.



Majors: Business Administration
Study Abroad Program: Cal Poly in London - Summer 2023

Hi, I'm Ashley! I am a third year business administration major at Cal Poly and I extremely enjoyed my summer abroad in London. My program was 6 weeks and I took 3 classes with all of the students in my program. I enjoyed that the program was a small, tight-knit group of 35 Cal Poly students. While we interacted with many students from other schools, I made new Cal Poly friends from all different majors that I still spend time with regularly. I loved London because there was so much to do in and outside of the city! My friends and I took weekend trips to Nice, France and Edinburgh, Scotland, as well!



Majors: Mechanical Engineering
Study Abroad Program: Cal Poly in Rome: Mechanics - Fall 2023

Hi! My name is Sara, I am a Mechanical Engineering Student (switched from Materials) who studied in Rome, Italy through Cal Poly's Mechanics in Rome Program. I had an incredible experience traveling, living in Rome, and spending time with the people in my program. I'd be so happy to answer any questions someone may have and share more about my time abroad! 




Major: Experience Industry Management
Concentration: Event Planning and Management
Study Abroad Program: Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (Munich, Germany) - Spring 2024
Hello! My name is Jordan, and I participated in the EIM Exchange program with HM in Munich, Germany studying tourism. Once I arrived there, there were lots of other international students from around the world also attending HM, whom I got very close with -- and many were in classes with me! The classes were mixed with locals and international students which was cool to learn from different perspectives of culture, language and ways of life. Apart from classes, I was able to travel around Europe a little during the semester which was definitely a big highlight from my trip.



Major: Mechanical Engineering
Study Abroad Program: Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (Munich, Germany) - Spring 2024

Hi! My name is Isabella and I studied Mechanical Engineering in Munich, Germany (Exchange Program at HM). The summer semester was great because we got an entire semester during spring quarter which is a gorgeous and less crowded time. Munich is such a fun thriving city thats location in the middle of Europe makes travel by public transportation incredibly convenient. I really enjoyed meeting locals through running and cycling groups and other international students through the schools active international club! 




Major: Biomedical Engineering  
Minor: Mathematics 
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Engineering & Social Sciences - Fall 2022 
I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain last fall as an engineering major taking classes at UC3M in Getafe and Leganes. While abroad, I went to 8 different countries and visited all of my family internationally. Studying abroad was the best 4 months of my life and I cannot wait to help you along your own journey.



Major: Business Admin - Information Systems 
Minor: Spanish
Study Abroad Program: 
CEA CAPA Seville, Spain - International Business - Fall 2023

I am a third year and I studied abroad in Seville. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life! I went random with my roommates and loved all of them so much, and I traveled almost every weekend. I loved my host mom and practiced my Spanish every day. 



Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Engineering & Social Sciences - Fall 2023

I'm a third year at Cal Poly and recently I studied at UC3M at the Getafe and Leganes campuses and had an amazing time! My favorite class I took was Spanish language and I would definitely recommend doing the same even if you've never learned Spanish before, it was useful in so many more situations than I expected. I loved Madrid and exploring Spain as well as other countries in Europe, my picture is from my trip to Dublin, Ireland which was one of my favorite places I visited. While traveling was amazing, my favorite part of my time abroad was meeting so many new people and making so many new friends.



Major: Computer Science, Game Development
Study Abroad Program: 
CEA CAPA Buenos Aires, Argentina - Intensive Spanish Language - Summer 2023

Hello! My name is Alexi and I am a computer science major at Cal Poly. My time in Buenos Aires, Argentina with CEA CAPA was absolutely incredible! My host mom (and her two cats) made me feel so at home, my teachers were clearly invested in my academic success, and the on-site staff were amazing at giving you access to all the resources you needed! I loved the opportunity my program gave me to really hone in on learning Spanish and connect with Argentine culture. 



Major: Industrial Engineering
Study Abroad Program: 
CEA CAPA Paris, France – Engineering - Fall 2023

Hey! My name is Rin and I studied abroad in Paris, France. I really enjoyed exploring the city and immersing myself in the culture. I met some amazing friends and learned so much from studying abroad. I would love to help anyone find their perfect program and share some experiences I had!



Majors: Environmental Management and Protection & Indigenous Studies in Natural Resources and the Environment
Study Abroad Program: 
CEA CAPA San Jose, Costa Rica - Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Environmental Sciences - Fall 2023
My name is Carver, and I am a third year ENVM major. I just returned from San Jose, Costa Rica, where I took environmental and Spanish classes during the week and explored the country on the weekends. I loved being able to see a new country for three months because it allowed me to feel familiar and in touch with a different part of the world and way of life!





Major/Minor: Biomedical Engineering, French (Minor)
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Paris, France - Engineering - Fall 2023 
Hi! My name is Josh Gottschalk. I am a third year Biomedical Engineering student with a minor in French. I had the pleasure of studying in Paris, France where I was able to not only develop my biomedical engineering career in an international setting, but experience the endless wonders of the French language and culture! I could not have asked for a better cohesion of life, school and exploration in one of the world's most grand cities!





Major: Experience Industry Management
Concentration: Tourism and Hospitality concentration
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Liberal Arts & Business & CEA CAPA Barcelona, Spain - Tourism & Hospitality Management - Academic Year 2023-24
Hi! I'm Pele and I'm a fourth-year RPTA student. I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain in the fall of 2023 and Barcelona, Spain in the spring of 2024. Studying abroad for an entire academic year was an excellent decision, and I was able to enhance my Spanish language skills, volunteer at a local elementary school, make lifelong friends, and travel to many new countries! I am happy to share more about my experiences abroad or help guide students who might have questions or concerns about studying abroad.


Major: Sociology
Concentration: Social Services
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Barcelona, Spain - Liberal Arts & Social Sciences - Fall 2023

My name is Stef and I studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain in Fall of 2023. I enjoyed my program because I met so many new people and expanded my global perspective. I love Barcelona as it is rich in history, art, culture, and beauty. I enjoyed adventuring around the city and traveling to other countries. I feel like I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone to study abroad, and I am so thankful I did because I grew as an individual in many aspects of my life.


Major: Biological Sciences 
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA San Jose, Costa Rica - Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Environmental Sciences - Summer 2024

Hi! My name is Parnika and I am a Biological Sciences major at Cal Poly. I studied abroad in Costa Rica during Summer 2024 for 5 weeks and did a Holistic Health class. I absolutely loved being in San Jose for my classes and was able to explore many parts of the country during weekends. I met so many new amazing people and had the best experience. It was so worth it and I would love to help if you are hoping to start this journey! 


Major: Experience Industry Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Liberal Arts & Business, Fall 2023

Hi, I'm Will and I'm a fourth-year Experience Industry Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship. I studied abroad on Madrid, Spain where I took classes at Universidad  Nebrija. I personally loved Madrid and ended up visiting five other countries all across Europe as well. Studying abroad was some of the best months of my life so far. I highly encourage anyone who's considering studying abroad to do it!



Major: Business Finance
Minor: Statistics
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Madrid, Spain - Business Marketing, Fall 2024

Hello! My name is Oliver Skinner and I am 3rd year Business Finance student with a minor in Statistics. In my free time, I enjoy skiing, backpacking, and reading. I had the best time abroad! Some highlights were: Eating the best pasta, pizza and sandwiches in my life, traveling almost every weekend to new places (my favorites were Copenhagen, The Dolomites, and Zermatt), and making life-long friends along the way. I cannot recommend study abroad more!


Major: Political Science
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Florence, Italy - General Education/Political Science, Fall 2024

Hello! My name is Sophie Goldstein and I studied abroad in Florence, Italy, this past Fall 2024. Studying in Italy introduced me to how expansive our world is, and how beautiful it is. I loved traveling around Europe and experiencing new cultures and communities. My study abroad program was incredibly amazing. My professors were kind, caring, and incredibly welcoming. Living in Italy has been the most lifechanging experience yet, and I am so grateful to have met so many amazing people and expanded my world so much. 


Major: Graphic Communication, User Experience and User Interface Design
Minor: Packaging Minor
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Barcelona, Spain - Study in Barcelona, Fall 2024

I was so moved by my study abroad experience in Barcelona, and I highly encourage all students to go abroad! I took courses directly through CEA CAPA, through which I learned about the rich history of this beautiful city, and I met some amazing friends from other universities. Participating in program activities and going on weekend trips are some of my highlights, in addition to living every day to the fullest while exploring Barcelona. I wish you the best on your study abroad journey and I am happy to answer any questions or give my insights, tips, and tricks!

AvaReturnee Contact Ava

Major: Animal Science
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA, Spain - Arts and Sciences, Fall 2024

Hi! My name is Ava, and I’m a third-year Animal Science major at Cal Poly. What I enjoyed most about studying abroad was being fully immersed in another country’s culture and language. I also loved the incredible travel and educational opportunities it offered, as well as the meaningful connections I made along the way. One of my favorite experiences was volunteering to teach middle schoolers English. It was so rewarding to be part of their language-learning journey and to see their progress firsthand.

EmilieReturnee Contact Emelie CEA CA

Major: General Engineering
Minor: Biomedical 
Study Abroad Program: CEA CAPA Paris, France - Fall 2024

Hi! My name is Emilie, and I’m a second-year General Engineering student with a concentration in Biomedical Engineering and a minor in Law and Society. I chose to study abroad in Paris to immerse myself in the city’s rich culture and explore how innovation and design intersect in one of the world’s fashion capitals. While in Paris, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work with Badgley Mischka during Paris Fashion Week. I’ve also been working as a content creator for CEA CAPA, sharing my experiences abroad to inspire future students.




Major: Business Administration
Concentration: Financial Management 
Study Abroad Program: CIEE Open Campus Block Program in Copenhagen - Fall 2024

I initially chose to study abroad in Denmark because I’m half Danish and wanted to be more connected to that part of my heritage. However, I completely fell in love with the city and decided to study abroad there a second time. I truly believe Copenhagen is one of the best cities to study abroad in (during the summer especially). The people are welcoming, everyone knows English, the buildings are beautiful and the city is clean, and there are plenty of places to go like parks, museums, restaurants, Tívoli, and swimming. 



Major: Journalism
Concentration: Public Relations
Study Abroad Program: CIEE Prague, Czech Republic: Communication, New Media, and Journalism Program, Fall 2024

Hi! My name is Ava, I'm a third-year Journalism major concentrating in Public Relations and I studied abroad in Prague with CIEE. Studying abroad was the best decision I have made for myself so far, it was a life-changing experience. Meeting new people, experiencing different cultures, and gaining a broader worldview were some of my favorite parts. I loved it all so much that I plan to go back overseas in the summer for a global internship program!




Major: Art and Design, Studio Art Concentration
Concentration: Studio Art
Study Abroad Program: CSU Florence Center (Italy): Spring 2024

Hi, I'm Lillie! I am a Studio Art Major and studied in Florence, Italy in 2024. Studying abroad was an incredible experience for me, and I definitely recommend taking the chance and studying away or abroad. I made so many friends, became more confident in myself and my ability to travel and live alone (not to mention in a different country!), and was able to interact with the art and architecture that I have been studying for a large part of my life. I'd love to connect with and help other students to learn more about studying abroad. 




Majors: Environmental Management and Protection & Sustainable Environments
Study Abroad Program: DIS - Study Abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark - Summer 2023

Hi I'm Jasmine, a 3rd year Cal Poly student, and I recently studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was an amazing 4-week program that even included a week-long class trip to another country, in my case Poland. I really got to test my independence by going abroad without knowing anyone and in the end, I learned a lot about myself. I met some wonderful people and fell in love with Copenhagen, so I look back at my time abroad very fondly. I highly encourage anyone who's even slightly considering studying abroad to do it and I'm here to share my experience with you!



Major: Business Administration
Concentration: Financial Management 
Study Abroad Program: DIS - Study Abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark - Summer 2023

I initially chose to study abroad in Denmark because I’m half Danish and wanted to be more connected to that part of my heritage. However, I completely fell in love with the city and decided to study abroad there a second time. I truly believe Copenhagen is one of the best cities to study abroad in (during the summer especially). The people are welcoming, everyone knows English, the buildings are beautiful and the city is clean, and there are plenty of places to go like parks, museums, restaurants, Tívoli, and swimming. 



Major: Psychology
Study Abroad Program: DIS - Study Abroad in Copenhagen (Denmark): Positive Psychology Track - Fall 2023

Hi! My name is Jill and I’m a fourth year student studying psychology. I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark during the fall of 2023. It was truly the best 4 months of my life! The program, city, and people were all incredible and made my experience abroad so meaningful. It was exciting to learn about Danish culture and immerse myself in this beautiful way of life in Denmark. The program was so well organized and accommodating, making each person feel welcomed. The city itself was clean, safe, and vibrant. I could not be happier with my choice to study abroad in Copenhagen though DIS and I hope everyone who has the opportunity to study abroad does so. Please feel free to reach out with any questions! 




Major: History
Study Abroad Program: FIE Dublin: Summer Internship Program - Summer 2024
Hey everybody! My name is Hannah, and this past summer I had the wonderful opportunity of interning abroad in Dublin, Ireland! I worked alongside an amazing team of academic directors at the International School of English in Dublin City Center, and made many long-lasting, professional connections. Spending the entire summer in Ireland was an absolute dream - I got to explore the awe-inspiring countryside where I quickly realized why so many renowned artists have Irish roots. My time there sparked a drive for me to begin applying to Master's programs abroad, and in Ireland specifically. I plan to visit Ireland as frequently as I possibly can because the memories that I made while out there will forever hold a special place in my heart.



Returnee Contact Leyna

Major: Business Administration
Concentration: Accounting
Study Abroad Program: TEAN: South Korea - Business Administration, Fall 2024
Hi! My name is Leyna and I am a second-year business adminstration major with accounting concentration. Studying abroad this past fall in Seoul was the first time I traveled by myself and went in without knowing anyone. My experience abroad was eye-opening, being able to constantly meet new people from different countries truly diversified my outlook of life. I enjoyed doing the korea student tradition of dinner, karaoke, and taking photobooth with friends. I loved finding new cafes to try new drinks and study as well!



Photo Coming Soon!

Major: Kinesiology - Exercise Science
Minor: Spanish
Study Abroad Program: USAC Spain: Alicante - Spanish Language, Linguistics, European, Mediterranean, and Gender Studies - Summer 2023

I loved my study abroad experience with USAC. We lived in apartments in the center of the city with shops nearby and just a 15 minute walk to the beach with more a tram ride down the coast. It was easy to travel around and the program leaders were always willing to help. I loved my spanish classes too and learned so much about the language between being in classes and being surrounded by the native speakers! I would definitely recommend this program!




Major: Art and Design, Studio Art Concentration
Concentration: Studio Art
Study Abroad Program: CSU Florence Center (Italy): Spring 2024

Hi, I'm Lillie! I am a Studio Art Major and studied in Florence, Italy in 2024. Studying abroad was an incredible experience for me, and I definitely recommend taking the chance and studying away or abroad. I made so many friends, became more confident in myself and my ability to travel and live alone (not to mention in a different country!), and was able to interact with the art and architecture that I have been studying for a large part of my life. I'd love to connect with and help other students to learn more about studying abroad.