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Health & Safety

Cal Poly’s main concern is for the safety and well-being of its students, staff, faculty, and community members. 

Over the 30+ years during which Cal Poly has administered study abroad programs, safety and security has been and continues to be the highest priority.  The Cal Poly International Center, Strategic Business Support Services / Risk Management, and the Chancellor’s Office closely monitor political uprisings, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other global events that can impact our students’ safety and security.   

Students are urged to follow the principles of personal risk preparedness while studying abroad: awareness, communication, cultural common sense, and personal responsibility.  Additionally, participants in all programs abroad are registered with the U.S. State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).  

It has been a difficult time for all of us as world citizens to witness the violence in many corners of the globe and at home. While you are abroad, we urge you to stay abreast of the latest news in your area, and to take appropriate precautions and follow communication protocol. We wish you a safe, healthy, and educational experience while abroad.   

Cal Poly cannot guarantee safety or eliminate all risks associated with traveling abroad.  Safety is everyone’s responsibility.  Students, parents, faculty, and staff all have a role to play in minimizing potential dangers and mitigating risk.  Behavior is often a major factor in reducing risk; students are urged to conduct themselves in a prudent manner, exercise awareness and good judgment, pay particular attention to local conditions, follow communication and safety protocols, and assume responsibility for the consequences of personal decisions and actions.   

All students should research conditions at their study abroad destination that could impact their health and safety (including required or recommended immunizations, availability of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications, local crime rates, and specific health and safety risks).   




CSURMA Foreign Travel Insurance Program 

All students participating in Cal Poly affiliated International Exchanges, Global Programs, select partner programs, and individual and group non-credit international travel are required to be enrolled in the Foreign Travel Insurance designated by the CSU Chancellor's Office. The California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA) Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP) benefits include but are not limited to the following: 
  • General Liability and Excess Auto Liability 
  • Primary Medical Expense, Emergency Medical Benefits and Evacuation 
  • Repatriation of Remains 
  • Political Evacuations and Repatriation Benefit War Risk Coverage 
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit 
Please note that there is an additional premium for travel to certain high hazard countries.  

 Overlay Insurance for Study Abroad with Affiliate Partner Programs 

Overlay Insurance is applicable only for Study Abroad programs provided by an affiliated partner provider that has a valid written agreement with CSU/Cal Poly and travel accident insurance is required to be purchased from that provider. The CSU assumes no responsibility for travel anywhere that has not been approved by CSU. This coverage is intended to supplement, not replace, the insurance required by the Study Abroad provider who, under a written agreement with CSU, provides educational opportunities for CSU students to study abroad. This extension to the provider's insurance provides General Liability insurance, but does not include Travel Assistance, Accident & Health or any of its associated benefits including but not limited to: Medical Expense, Emergency Medical, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation of Remains, Emergency Reunion, Home Country Extension, Security Evacuation, Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Accidental Death & Dismemberment, Coma, Felonious Assault, Hijacking and Air Piracy, etc. 

There may be an additional premium for travel to certain high hazard countries

You will be provided instructions during your application process on how to purchase the insurance for your affiliate partner program. 

2024-2025 FTIP Rates


Dear Parents, Family, and Supporters, 

We congratulate your student for making the decision to study abroad and to embark on what will likely be a life-changing, transformative experience! This may be one of the most significant decisions your student has had to make in the course of their life so far and it has likely meant encouragement from you. For that, we thank you.  

You play a key role in providing ongoing emotional, moral and likely financial support for your student as he or she negotiates the processes of applying and preparing for a study abroad experience. We appreciate your role as a “cheerleader” as your student works through the paperwork and meets all deadlines. We ask that you empower your student to make arrangements for their abroad experience on their own. This includes ownership of processes like getting a passport, securing a visa, pre-departure health examination, ticket purchasing, thorough research on the program and host-country, etc.  

The staff in the Cal Poly International Center are available to assist your student in navigating through the myriad options available. Students who plan ahead and meet with study abroad and academic advisors to find the best program fit are well suited to continue to make timely academic progress toward their degrees. Please refer to the 'Guide for Students and Supporters (find links to English and Spanish versions below). 

We know that finances are important. The International Center maintains budget information for each of the programs sponsored by Cal Poly. We link out to budgets provided by our partners. We encourage you and your student to review the budget and to strategize on negotiating the program costs. Please urge your student to take advantage of any study abroad scholarships for which they may be eligible. Note that scholarship deadlines can be well in advance of program application deadlines, so it pays to be organized! Study abroad is an investment in the future of your student, who will come away with a more enhanced “toolkit” to meet the demands of our global society. Study abroad returnees inform us of the many professional and personal benefits and say that the abroad experience was well worth the funds invested.  

While your student is abroad, we hope that you will continue to provide support through email, FaceTime, Zoom or even the lost art of snail-mail. Students often experience unanticipated difficulties and the cheerleader role will be important throughout. (Should serious issues occur, onsite staff and/or our office are available to assist.) Likewise, upon return, students have amazing stories to tell and hopefully will find a willing audience in you!     

As a parent myself, I recognize that sending your student to study abroad may come with mixed emotions. I applaud you for encouraging your loved one to embark on this rewarding and transformative experience.   


Dr. Cari Vanderkar 
Assistant Vice Provost for International Programs